RAPID7 InsightVM
Utilizing the power of Rapid7's Insight platform and the heritage of our award-winning Nexpose product, Insight-VM provides a fully available, scalable, and efficient way to collect your vulnerability data, turn it into answers, and minimize risk. InsightVM leverages the latest analytics and endpoint technology to discover vulnerabilities in a real-time view, pinpoint their location, prioritize them for your busi-ness, facilitate collaboration with other teams, and confirm your exposure has been reduced.
Rapid7 InsightVM Features :
- Liveboards, Not Static Dashboards -
Drawing from fresh vulnerability data, InsightVM Liveboards are live and interactive by nature. You can easily create custom, tailored cards and full dashboards for anyone-from sysadmins to CISOs-and query each card with simple language to track progress of your security program. Visualize, prioritize, assign, and fix your exposures more easily than ever before
- Cloud, Virtual, and Container Assessmen
InsightVM integrates with cloud services, virtual infrastructure, and container repositories like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and VMware to make sure you don't miss any new instances and Docker containers that are brought online. You can also correlate deployed containers to assets, so you can secure both containers and container hosts-all at no additional cost
- Continuous Endpoint Monitoring Using the Insight Agent -
The Rapid7 Insight Agent automatically collects data from all your endpoints, even those from remote workers and sensitive assets that cannot be actively scanned, or that rarely join the corporate network. Pair InsightVM with Rapid7 InsightIDR to get a complete picture of the risks posed by your endpoints and their users
- Attacker-Based Risk Analysis -
Prioritize risk the way attackers would. InsightVM translates decades of attacker knowledge into proven analytics. The granular, 1-1000 Real Risk score takes into account CVSS scores, malware exposure, exploit exposure and ease of use, and vulnerability age. This makes it simpler-and more precise than CVSS alone-to prioritize vulnerabilities for remediation. Rapid7 Project Sonar data and threat feeds translate to dashboards within InsightVM, so you can understand which external network doors you're missing and which vulnerabilities attackers are actively exploiting
- Live Remediation Planning -
Once the most critical vulnerabilities are brought to the surface, assign and track remediation duties in real time with Remediation Workflows. InsightVM integrates with IT ticketing solutions like Atlassian Jira and ServiceNow , making it easy for IT to take action. InsightVM also integrates with Rapid7 InsightConnect , our security orchestration and automation platform, to bring automation and prioritization to the patching process
For details, please contact us .