SENHASEGURA PAM Core provides centralized access management, with the purpose of protecting and controlling the use of generic and high privilege credentials, providing secure storage, access segregation and full traceability of use.
- Operational gain in the password change process.
- Guaranteed password delivery in a secure and controlled manner.
- Transparent authentication on the target system or network device without displaying the password to network administrators or third parties.
- Secure storage of credentials and passwords.
- Definition of groups for access segregation based on user profiles.
- Flexibility in the approval process for access to privileged accounts (pre-approved accesses, accesses with single or multiple approval).
- Possibility of more than one user requesting access to the same privileged account, without compromising usage traceability.
- Emergency access for immediate password viewing, with reason request and alert to responsible parties if the approver is unavailable.
- Dual password custody to ensure more than one presence in the access.
- Integration with the Help Desk and Change Management tools to validate the reason provided by the requesting user.
- Passwords change according to predetermined time of use or after consultation.
- Automated password change on the main technological platforms, such as network, servers, database, web applications, and security equipment.
For details, please contact us.